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Simple Machines

How do simple machines make work seem easier? How do they change the force we put into them? How can changing the direction of a force help us? Explore each of the 6 simple machines using hands-on activities. Calculate how much they multiply force through experimentation or direct observation. Investigate each of the 6 simple machines, levers, ramps, pulleys, wheel & axles, screws, and wedges.

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Rocks & Minerals

Is there a specific order that rocks move through the rock cycle? How do sedimentary rocks form? What does sand look like up close? What types of rock are never layered? Lab activities dig into these questions and are great for classrooms or homeschool.

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Animal Adaptations to Temperature

How are animals adapted to their environment? How are their bodies equipped to manage cold or heat? What behaviors help animals deal with changes in weather? Lab activities dig into these questions and are great for classrooms or homeschool. 

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Bones, Muscles & Nerves

What can you determine only using your sense of touch? Why do muscles come in pairs? How do human bones compare to bird bones? Lab activities dig into these questions and are great for classrooms or homeschool. 

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Light & Optics

What do pinholes teach us about optics? What is the difference between convex and concave lenses? How do you measure the focal length of a lens? How were the first telescopes designed using lenses? Lab activities dig into these questions and are great for classrooms or homeschool.

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Electric Circuits & Batteries

How can you light a bulb using wire and a battery? What's the difference between series and parallel circuits? How does voltage or the amount of resistance in a circuit affect it? Lab activities dig into these questions and are great for classrooms or homeschool.

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Genetics & Heredity

What's the difference between DNA, genes, and chromosomes? How do our genes results in different traits? What's the difference between mitosis and meiosis? How can a Punnett squares worksheet help me track genes and traits in organisms? Lab activities will help answer these questions.

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Static Electricity

How do electrons move during static electricity? What is the difference between induction and conduction? How do you use and explain a Van de Graaff generator? What is the triboelectric series? Lab activities dig into these questions and are great for classrooms or homeschool.

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Sound & Waves

This collection of hands-on activities covers the main concepts for studying waves and sound. You'll use different vibrating objects and see how each makes sound. Investigate wavelength, speed, frequency, amplitude through building a variety of models. Compare two types of waves transverse and longitudinal (compression) waves using a hands-on approach. Determine how pitch is related to frequency and see how differently-sized objected vibrate with different frequencies and therefore make different pitches or notes. Learn a few ways of amplifying sound and investigate how humans locate sound in three dimensions.

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